Summer Staff
Emme Rosenblum

Emme Rosenblum

What up YBYers!!!! My name is Emme Rosenblum and if you didn’t realize my name is a palindrome!!! How cool is that! I am currently studying nursing at Stern College for knowledge, so if any of you fall on a rock or get a paper cut, Nurse Emme is here to the rescue!!! Last year I had the privilege of attending Sha’alvim for Women in the holy land and holy city of Yerushalim!! I’m also from Canada which means I don’t have a social security number or a normal zipcode… BUT, you know what I do have?!?! RUFFLES AND ROOTS, take that ‘Merica. As a camper I went to Moshava Ennismore, for six weeks every summer since I was 8 years old! Oh, I should also probably let you guys know that I absolutely LOVE yellow Laffy Taffys!! I really don’t get how most people don’t!! I have wanted to come back on YBY since I got on that flight home from Israel coming back to galut 4 summers ago. I have been involved with Yachad since Grade 9 and have loved it from that day on. (Yes, we say grade 9, not 9th grade) My favourite part about Yachad Shabbatons is definitely Circle Time!! Badam Badadadada!!!! I-really-can-not-wait, YBY-19-will-be-so-great!!! See you soon Be”H!!!!