Summer Staff
Benjy Aryeh

Benjy Aryeh

Hi friends!!! My name is Benjy Aryeh- yes, I spell it with a Y. Just wanted to let you all know that I’ve been waiting four years to write this bio. I went to Rambam Mesivta for high school and played on the softball, soccer and hockey teams there. Last year I learned in Mevaseret in Israel and I am currently in YU studying Data Analytics. I have been involved with Yachad ever since the West Hempstead Shabbaton was created and I participated in Yad B’Yad in 2015, worked with Yachad Mesorah in 2016 and last year I did Yachad Getaway. I am a HUGE Mets and Islanders fan and can’t wait to celebrate at their championship parades this upcoming year. I created a sushi roll at the Chinese restaurant in my neighborhood and since you find this fact so interesting, I’m going to lose your interest when I tell you that it only contained baby corn inside. I LOVE BABY CORN. Name me a better vegetable… I’ll wait. I once had hermit crabs as a pet and they lived under a coco-nut so I called it the Coco Hut. I really love the rain and winter is my favorite season. I enjoy going food and couch shopping… yes you read that right. I happen to have picked out the past two couches that my family bought. I enjoy ice skating and love having random dance parties. I’m super excited to have a bunch of those throughout the summer. Can’t wait to meet you all!