Day Eleven: Monday, July 22nd: Volunteering, Touring, and Learning in Tzfat!
Day Eleven: Monday, July 22nd: Volunteering, Touring, and Learning in Tzfat!

Today was a productive and exciting day in Tzfat! Today we started at an absorption center for Ethiopians. We had the option to either play sports or do art. I went and did arts and crafts with a few 10 year olds and played with clay! After the absorption center, we went to lunch and got vouchers where we had the option to go and pick between six places to eat! Obviously I got pizza 😉 After pizza, I walked around the old city of Tzfat. We continued our day by going to the Stam center, which taught us about the intricacies of scribe work for the Torah, tefillin, and mezuzot! I even got to write my Hebrew name on cow skin with a feather. After that, we went on a tour of the old city of Tzfat and walked through the Artists’ Colony! Finally, we ended the amazing day with a great dinner back at the hotel and an outstanding night activity ran by Jodi!!! The night activity was glow-in-the-dark Capture the Flag on the beach – Counselors vs Participants! Right now, it’s free time and then my favorite part of the day – curfew!!!