Week 3 at Yachad B'Nesher
Week 3 at Yachad B'Nesher

Hi Yachad b’ Nesher family and friends! I hope everyone had a great homecoming yesterday afternoon.

As everyone is now home and getting back to their routines I wanted to take this time to recap an exciting end of camp.

Thursday The entire camp dressed head to toe like Minions and headed out to see the Minion movie. When the movie ended there was a surprise in the credits….COLOR WAR BREAKOUT!  We all rushed back to camp for the opening color war activities. Tug-of war and a running basketball game where each division had a quarter in the game were first on tap. The basketball game featured many of our campers who were being cheered on by all of camp, and we stayed around to cheer for our color war teammates from other divisions. For the first time camp was going to have a color war truce with shabbos in the middle and Yachad led the peace mission. On Friday we worked on Shabbat-o-grams for all the bunks, decorations for meals, and a camp wide truce to be presented to everyone on erev shabbos. Shabbos was an amazing opportunity to spend quality time and play games with friends.  Sunday resumed lots of fun color war activities but the high light was our amazing campers featured in the color war dances and stomp! Monday was double the fun with a trip early in the day to the Discovery center where we got to dress up and pretend to have all kinds of jobs and explore. We then returned to camp in time for the apache race and the final color war meetings, presentations, and closing ceremonies. Tuesday was busy with packing, making thank you notes and preparing for a beautiful end of the summer banquet.

It was truly a jam packed summer filled with amazing activities and many friendships. I want to thank you all for making such an amazing summer possible for our campers, staff, and the entire Camp Nesher.

If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to be in touch. horowitza@ou.org

I would like to wish everything a Gmar v’ Chatima Tov!

All the best,