Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 6
Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 6

Dear Morasha Yachad Families and Friends,
Did we really just finish week 6 already?? This week was action packed with exciting regular-schedule activities, stand out night activities, and camp-wide programs that were so much fun. On Sunday night we joined the Nitzanim division for a Cake Wars competition where we split into teams and decorated cupcakes – the theme was the Morasha core values (Mutual Respect, Observe and study, Responsibility, Appreciation, Skill buildings, Heart and soul, and Achdut). On Monday, girls’ campus enjoyed a full day of Bunk War competitions capped off by a night activity of Minute to Win It competitions. Meanwhile, the boys played beach volleyball, roasted marshmallows, ate smores, and shared scary stories while gathered around a fire. Tuesday was trip day! The camper program had a picture scavenger hunt in the zoo while the vocational program went to Camp Lavi where they joined the vocational programs of Lavi Yachad, Mesorah Yachad, Shoshanim Yachad, and Moshava Yachad for a great day of sports at Yachad inter-camps. Both the camper and vocational program ended off the day with a visit to the local ice cream shop before returning to camp. On Wednesday night we went to a powerful and meaningful original play about the 9 days titled The Story of Tonight, followed by a short learning program discussing the meaning behind the play. Thursday night we enjoyed hanging out while we watched a balloon making demonstration (and got balloons too!), shared riddles and trivia with each other, and worked on crafts together. After night activity, the vocational program enjoyed their weekly mishmar program where they learned about tisha baav and sinas chinam. After enjoying another fantastic week in camp, we excitedly look forward to ushering in another relaxing Shabbos B’Yachad.

Have a great Shabbos!

Feel free to view more pictures from this past week here: