Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 5
Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 5

Dear Morasha Yachad Families and Friends,
In addition to all of our exciting regular-schedule activities here in camp, this week, the fifth week of camp, we had several stand out night activities and camp-wide programs that were so much fun. We started off the week with an awesome Danny Live concert on Sunday night. Danny Shatzkes, an unbelievable musician who heads the Morasha music department and studio, performed a sing-along concert completely based on our requests. Monday night we all exercised our artistic abilities at Paint Night. An artist came and showed us step by step how to make a beautiful portrait of a sunset over glistening water as we followed along on our own canvases. Tuesday night we all got dressed up in pajamas and enjoyed a relaxing movie night together (Casper!). On Wednesday night we played a hilarious game of BANANAS where we were split into teams and handed bananas to compete in a game where we measured camp-based-items by their banana length (Ex: we learned that a golf cart is roughly 13 bananas long). Late Wednesday night the vocational program enjoyed their weekly mishmar program where they learned about Rosh Chodesh and shared Parsha ideas with each other while eating hot pretzels. Thursday was an action packed trip day! We went bowling, ate pizza, played laser tag and miniature golf, went roller-skating, and watched a minor league baseball game followed by an awesome fireworks show! After enjoying another fantastic week in camp, we excitedly look forward to ushering in another relaxing Shabbos B’Yachad.
Have a great Shabbos!