Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 2
Morasha Yachad Camper - Week 2

Dear Morasha Yachad Families and Friends,

Hard to believe that we are wrapping up our second week here in camp! In addition to all of our exciting regular-schedule activities, this week we had several stand out night activities and programs that were amazingly fun. On Sunday night we joined a division in camp for a game of kickball and a bonfire. Monday night we had one of our favorite night activities in camp – Army Night. The Israeli staff in camp came dressed in army uniforms and ran an IDF training program. It was exhausting but we all enjoyed. On Tuesday, while the boys played sports, had a large outdoor BBQ cookout and watched the MLB All-Star game, the girls campus had a mini color war where each team represented a different decade. Girls prepared for their dance, art, and sports competitions throughout the day and presented them amidst music and cheers at the Its About Time finale. On Thursday the vocational program went on a trip with Lavi Yachad to the pizza shop and ice cream. There they received a tour of the pizza shop, learned how to make pizza, made a couple pies, and enjoyed a great lunch together. That night, the entire Morasha Yachad program joined the camp-wide SHIRIA night activity where boys and girls campus competed in a sing-off. Congratulations to girls campus for taking the win! As we bring in Shabbos we can’t help but think about all the exciting events taking place next week beginning with Sunday visiting day where we get to see our family and friends.

Have a great Shabbos!