Dr. Jeff's Corner Spring 2014

Dr. Jeffrey Lichtman

I hope this finds you well – here at Yachad we are thrilled over the near-explosive and constantly expanding growth that we are experiencing.

Yachad, the single largest provider of Inclusive summer programs with new programs opening on the west coast, Canada, and Israel.

Yachad, providing clinical services for the entire family, from individual counseling to Sibshops to mothers and fathers support groups to groups for dating and marriage.

Yachad, responding to perhaps the single greatest need of adult Yachad members – jobs, vocational services. We have expanded these services to NJ and Chicago with more families and chapters requesting the same all over the country.

Yachad, in an increasingly segregated and isolating Jewish community has pioneered Hinienu, a historic initiative to have all religious denominations work to promote Inclusion within their stream and synagogues.

Yachad, continuing to provide more and more of our signature Inclusion social/recreational programs from shabbatons to Sunday and after school programs; still focusing and caring about the growth, self-esteem, and happiness of EACH and EVERY Yachad member and family.

So why are we sweating even though the windows are open? Because notwithstanding continuing to have the very best staff bar none and our sky rocketing growth, so much more still needs to be done!

So we need your help. We need our best former staff to join with our current amazing staff to help us respond to the many needs of our Yachad members, their families, and our entire community.

So please join us again, help us again. Do you have a job, full or part-time to offer a capable young adult? An internship or volunteer position?

Can you be the ambassador for us in your community? Can you help us with housing for a shabbaton or to organize a program at your child’s school? Can you speak at the Yachad Shabbaton the importance and meaning of inclusion for, a Yachad member, a peer, and for yourself?

Limited time? Then can you help us with financial support. Scholarship for Yachad members to go to camp or Yad B’Yad, scholarship for IVDU schools or clinical services. Whatever you can do – big or small, a lot or a little; to us it means a lot and to our Yachad members and their families it really means so much – as you no doubt remember.

So please do contact Naftali or me or anybody at Yachad and tell us how you can help. Join us, reconnect, help us help so many! Summer is just around the corner and I hope to see you very soon.

Wishing you and your family a chag kasher v’semeach!

Dr. Jeff