YBY2: July 22: Tisha B’Av
YBY2: July 22: Tisha B’Av

We ended habbos and entered the fast with a meaningful kumzitz. We had a short havdalah and then heard a very beautiful Aicha led by Josh Aranoff. We said a few kinot and then continued our beautiful kumtzit. Many of the staff gave wonderful mashals and stories in between songs. After finishing another amazing kumzitz, we went to bed early. We had late wake up and a meaningful davening followed by more kinot, introduced by the participants. We had a beautiful learning program that taught us about ahavat yisroel and appreciating each other’s strengths. Everyone of us took turns passing around an index card where we wrote nice things about the other people in our group. We then played an awesome yarn activity where we created a yarn chain of all the participants on the trip by passing the yarn and saying something we appreciate about someone else. We wrote letters to our future selves about our goals that will be returned to us in the mail in a year from now! So cool. After that we watched a very powerful movie called Freedom Writers, that taught us the importance of accepting each other despite our differences. Then there was menucha time and optional movies playing all the way until mincha. We then heard another incredible speech and then ended the fast with another heartwarming kumtzis. We enjoyed a delicious break fast at Cafe Avichail, and heard the rest of havdalah. After that we went back to the hotel for the night. Overall, Tisha B’Av was a very moving and inspirational fast. L’shana Haba B’Yerushalim!!!


Sarah Well and Aliza Shloush