Day Two: Saturday, July 13th - Shabbat in Highland Park and Cake Wars
Day Two: Saturday, July 13th - Shabbat in Highland Park and Cake Wars

Hey it’s Daphna and Lea! 

We started off our Shabbat day by going to shul together and davening. Afterwards, we played a learning game where we discussed what we value as a group and as individuals. We had lunch in random table groups named for different stories in Sefer Bereishit, as that was  the theme of the Shabbat! We then had circle time–singing songs and playing games. Later that day, after resting, we all met at the park with snacks to have fun. We then walked back to the shul and stayed there for the remainder of shabbat. After a meaningful havdalah, we had a Cake Wars night activity, in which we had to decorate cakes with our attendance groups logo!  It was so awesome!!! Shoutout to @Efriam Wiener for running the awesome activity!

We had a great Shabbat and can’t wait for more on YBY trip 2 2019!!! T-24 hours until Israel!!!!!!