Day 17: Listen to a Shiur About Disability Inclusion

As individuals with disabilities increasingly become able to participate in the full spectrum of Jewish life, many discussions are occurring that attempt to navigate complex Halachic realities. “Is an electric wheelchair permissible on Shabbat?” “In light of advanced hearing technology, what is the definition of a “Choresh” and is it still applicable?” These are not only relevant topics, but Shiurim of this nature are steeped in Talmudic texts and rely heavily on medieval commentaries as well as modern authorities which together provides an enlightening Torah discussion.

Beyond Halacha, the Jewish people also have a fundamental responsibility to address the needs of all of those in its community. This requirement opens the door to a number of Hashkafic—or philosophical— discussions as to what role a synagogue or school should play in advancing these goals, how an individual should work to include his friends with disabilities, and the Jewish community’s responsibility to advance inclusion throughout all areas of society.

OUTorah, a site that offers thousands of Shiurim online, has created a playlist specifically for North American Inclusion Month that provides a number of classes on these very topics.



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